Wednesday 24 February 2010

Tips for Creating Brilliant Business Names

Imagine if Yahoo! was allowed TheInternetDirectoy. O Starbucks was christened "Premier Coffee. The names would be far more significant than today. But do not embody the essence or substance of the companies they represent. Even if they offered exactly the same products and services, it is unlikely that Yahoo! or Starbucks could enjoy the same market share they have now, if the data more descriptive, and probably also true name.

Now, why?

In short, largeBrand with our emotions. They swing with the experiential right side of the brain than the logic of the left lobe. And emotions carry more motivational "charge" of logic. People buy emotionally and rationally justified. Why the big brand names and create mental images "," have made literally thousands of descriptive words. Are ZIP files, condensed soup, the computer macros to expand and develop all in our heads every time you have seen orheard.

The establishment of emotionally charged names requires knowledge, experience and talent for the text. The first place to find positively charged names is in the words themselves. Words are fairness and equity can be transferred to a company or product. Associated, for example, a company that wanted their customers provided their products and services as fresh, new and exciting, the emotional with the word "virgin" to see. So we have Virgin Airlines and Virgin Records. AComputer company has demonstrated its fresh, friendly approach to the industry under the name of consumer Apple. A Clothing Company campy adventure beamed with its name Banana Republic. An on-line work to impress employers and job seekers with its massive listings at ... monster. And I remember, Amazon? Bonds on the intrinsic properties of a word or phrase is a natural way to instantly communicate emotions in a brand.

But by using more words from the dictionary,accumulated and protected, what do companies? Another possibility is to set easily get positive words into unique combinations. Witnesses to our previous example of Starbucks. What is brighter than a star or a more widespread impact than money? What does the coffee? No, but it seems better than "The Coffee Corral". And, most importantly, company names rarely exist in a vacuum. You are on a sign above the shop, or on a proposal or a business card for the service from a vendor. There iscontextual support that helps fill in the field, so that the name does not do everything literally, the statement description. This is where many companies are wrong. Make the name explain their category rather than to produce the benefits.

Another way to accomplish this task is to create a word that sounds "ish". When I say "ish" I mean, it sounds like the company or the product name, though not for any sense. An example you ask? But of course. My favorite is Viagra. It has"V" of vigor and vitality, as well as iagra "of Niagara. When a word does not exist, it plays on existing, familiar patterns of pCrafts.html" title="Toys Store">Arts of speech, creating a natural flow to the name. Hence the name Viagra is, in My book, "ish." It fits the product category. Cialis does not. I mean, Cialis and buy the emotional bond with a lot of emotion-rich (and expensive) advertising. It can happen, but it will cost. A lot.

Bonds existing word equity, making it uniqueCombinations and inventing "ish" words. Only three of the many ways to develop a great brand name. Try each of these techniques and if you can not get a name, I ask a really good Scrabble player!

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